Basics of Chiropractic Adjustments

The prospect of seeing a chiropractor for the first time can cause some apprehension, to say the least. However, that is usually due to unfamiliarity with the function of a chiropractor and the techniques a chiropractor uses to treat patients. Fortunately, chiropractic care is nothing to be feared, and it could likely be just what you need to experience relief from your condition. Spinal manipulation, also called chiropractic adjustment, is a mystery to people who have never been to a chiropractor. Chiropractic adjustment is the cornerstone of chiropractic care so it is important that you understand what it means if you plan on seeing a chiropractor. Here are the basics of chiropractic adjustments:

What does chiropractic adjustment involve? During a chiropractic adjustment, the chiropractor will manipulate the joints in your spine, moving them through their natural range of motion, until they “resume”? their natural position, called “alignment.” The release of pressure is the goal of spinal manipulation, and this release of pressure will oftentimes result in a popping noise, which is normal. The popping noise is due to a normal occurring fluid quickly entering the joint space and then expanding to a gas, hence the popping noise. Three things occur after the chiropractic adjustment. 1. The joints adjusted are a little further apart from one another thereby reducing the risk for them rubbing together or impinging the delicate nerve which resides near them. 2. The fluid (called synovial fluid) lubricates the joint which nourishes the cartilaginous end plates and aids in additional motion. 3. The muscles which are attached to the joints instantaneously relax. Combine all three actions of the adjustment and you get relief!

What techniques are used during chiropractic adjustments? Chiropractic adjustment involves a series of manual manipulations, most of which are used to apply pressure to areas around the spine where the vertebrae are out of place. Different chiropractors use different methods to accomplish this. Some use a soft, gentle touch, while others prefer using sporadic pressure and quick movements to achieve the desired relocation. Before you choose a chiropractor, it is important that you ask about the techniques that your practitioner uses for adjustments and pick a practitioner whose treatment style matches your preferences.

How does chiropractic adjustment work? Once the joints in the spinal column have been properly adjusted, the vertebral discs should be aligned in a way that provides for optimal space in between them. There are large nerves in disc joints, and when the joints are cramped (often due to swelling and/or bulging or herniated discs), those nerves are compressed. Compressed nerves become irritated and cannot communicate with the nervous system the way they need to, resulting in pain, muscle spasm or weakness and discomfort. By aligning the vertebrae and discs through chiropractic adjustment, the chiropractor lessons the pressure on the spinal cord nerves, in turn alleviating a variety of symptoms and health conditions.

For even more information about the difference that chiropractic treatment can make in your life please check out Dr Scott’s blog!

As you can see, there is more to spinal adjustment than a few simple twists and turns of the back. Chiropractic care is a specialized field that makes use of its very own specialized techniques. And most importantly, your health could benefit from these techniques in more ways than one.

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